WA State Team 1937
“Western Australian Rifle Team Winners, Match against Great Britain, December 24th, 1937”
“Front Row: RE Wallace, RL Pitman, WJ Capes, WG Clarke (Captain), EC Gare, WG Bartlett, WR Henderson, CH Mellor (Coach). Middle Row: GR Cream, W Mellows, RB Gratte, A Hicks, JA Pike (Emg), HR Larner (Emg), JW Ferguson, CT Gawned, S McAskill. Back Row: PM Cameron (coach), JS Eastmon (Secretary [NRA of WA]), T Harvey (Pit Officer), TR Buddee (Hon Treasurer [NRAWA]), R Gathercole. Inset: H Marsh (Chairman [NRAWA]), BJ Richards (Range Officer), Don Simper"
Like cricket, competing against England has always been regarded as a high point in shooting. A State team beating a GB team was something special.
West Australian Rifle Association
West Australian Rifle Association
Other items from West Australian Rifle Association

Front Row: RE Wallace, RL Pitman, WJ Capes, WG Clarke (Captain), EC Gare, WG Bartlett, WR Henderson, CH Mellor (Coach). Middle Row: GR Cream, W Mellows, RB Gratte, A Hicks, JA Pike (Emg), HR Larner (Emg), JW Ferguson, CT Gawned, S McAskill. Back Row: PM Cameron (coach), JS Eastmon (Secretary [NRA of WA]), T Harvey (Pit Officer), TR Buddee (Hon Treasurer [NRAWA]), R Gathercole. Inset: H Marsh (Chairman [NRAWA]), BJ Richards (Range Officer), Don Simper
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