Hay Grab
1939This is a 1930s horse operated Hay Grab that was used by the Lord family on their farm in Group 44 Ambergate.
Hay Grabs were used locally during the 1920s and 1930s before the advent of stationary balers. The farmer would cut the meadow grass with a mower, which would leave the freshly cut meadow grass in windrows, where it would be left to dry. A Dump Rake would then be used to create small hay stacks in the field. The farmer would then manually pitchfork the hay from the field stacks onto a wagon which was then driven to the main hay stack, which was generally undercover. The Hay Grab was hung from a horizontal pole, attached to horse driven pulleys and used to transfer the dried hay from the wagon into the hay stack.
Farmers in all eras have produced hay from their meadows to provide food for their stock over the dry summer months when meadow feed was not available.
Busselton Historical Society
Busselton Historical Society
Other items from Busselton Historical Society
- Proficiency Badge Certificate
- Good-bye and Good Luck card
- Letter, Programmes
- Girl Guides Postcards
- Girl Guide Song Booklets
- Western Australian Girl Guide Courier
- The Girl Guides Policy Organisation & Rules
- Girl Guide Books
- Girl Guides Certificate
- Visit to of Australia the Lady Baden-Powell Souvenir Programme
- Timber Whim
- The Council Fire

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