Western Australian Long Range Championship Cup
1902Repurposed Metal Cup on block with plaques
Re-purposed silver Cup: original inscription reads “Presented by Peter Dawson Distiller Dufftown and Glasgow to the Volunteers of Western Australia Defenders of Hearth and Home and of the Empire of Greater Britain 1910” Hallmarks: Birmingham, English silver, assayed 1909-1910 E & Co Ld into three circles Elkington & Co, Birmingham 1902 hallmark
"Western Australian Long Range Championship" "2003 RL Cuthbert, 2006 BW Schlam, 2008 M Green"
"Presented by Peter Dawson Distiller Dufftown and Glasgow to the Volunteers of Western Australia Defenders of Hearth and Home and of the Empire of Greater Britain 1910”
The Scottish company, Peter Dawson Distillery, presented trophies for many sporting competitions throughout the Empire. The Company had previously donated a silver shield that was won outright by the Fremantle Rifle Club in 1911. The Cup was presented in 1910 for competition from 1911 onwards. The Cup was mounted on an oak pedestal.
Originally valued at 80 guineas ($12,270 in 2021).
“For some inexplicable reason the Customs Department are claiming the large sum of £18 [$2600] before allowing the cup to come out of bond, and the N.R.A. executive are asking the Minister for Defence to take steps in the matter.” [West Australian, Saturday 14 January 1911, page 13] The NRA Committee minutes 8 November 1010 state value was £73
West Australian Rifle Association
West Australian Rifle Association
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