c. 1860 - 1950

Curved wooden handle with two hand grips at right angles to each other, one near the top and one a third of the way down the handle. They are both held in place by metal brackets.The blade slots into an eyelet hole which is bolted in place and secured with a wire tension strip through a hole in the handle. Blade is metal and long with a slight concave curve. The inside edge of the blade has been sharped. There is a makers label on the shaft and text on the blade.

Historical information

Believed to have been used by the Bently family on a property in Roleystone in the early to mid 1900s. The scythe was made by W.TYZACK & SONS & TURNER of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. The company was formed in 1870 following the dissolvement of the William Tyzack family tool manufacturing company in 1858. The company made a wide variety of tools and agricultural equipment which was shipped around the world. In 1987 the business was purchased by W.A. Tyzack and the company broken up in 1991.



Registration number
85 cm
Height or length
138.9000 cm
28.3000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Text on label; [SCYTHE / SNATHS / DERBY & B--- / No.55 Grass] on blade [ W.TYZACK & SONS & TURNER / SHEFFIELD ]

c. 1860 - 1950
Statement of significance

This object is part of a collection that represents how technology has evolved over time and how those changes have impacted on daily life. These changes can relate to common professions or jobs that have either disapeared or appeared i.e. Blacksmiths or electricians. They can relate to how technology has made jobs or tasks easier or more convienient i.e. doing the washing by hand vs an electric washing machine.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Rare or representative
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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