Gold mine, Kalgoorlie.
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Curtin University Library
Curtin University Library
Other items by McCallum, Alexander.
- Alex McCallum in a rickshaw, 1928.
- Alex McCallum and others on a farm inspection.
- Alex McCallum and others having a tea break on a farm inspection.
- HMS Renown passing Watsons Bay NSW, 1927.
- Rocky outcrop, [Mt Buffalo?].
- Alex McCallum at the driving of the first pile for the new jetty at Esperance, January 1934.
- Alex McCallum turning on the tap at the ceremony to celebrate the discharging of the first bulk spirit cargo from the SS Radex, North Wharf, Fremantle, 8 April 1927.
- Don McCallum in fancy dress.
- Pigs at Koojarlee.
- Alex and Bessie McCallum and others on a rail wagon, 192?
- Alex and Bessie McCallum in large gathering at Lake Brown (North of Merredin), July 1924.
- Alex and Bessie McCallum on a wild turkey shoot, Leonora
Other items from Curtin University Library
- Alex McCallum, Bullfinch, 1917.
- Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie, 1917.
- Donkey team.
- Alex McCallum and others, country road trip.
- Mollie, Alex, Don and Bessie McCallum.
- Bessie McCallum outside country house.
- Car crossing country road bridge.
- Alex and Bessie McCallum and others at roadside picnic
- St Werburgh's church, Mt Barker, WA.
- Alex McCallum and others with a railmotor.
- Steam train.
- Farm workers bagging cabbages.