Western Gay Magazine June '83
1983Paper and black ink printed magazine, 20 pages
Editor: Douglas Hill, Sub-Editor:James Brisbane
The H.I.O., Guild of Undergraduates
U.W.A Crawley 6009
Editorial, Letters
News: Blood Transfusion Protest, Sydney
Lesbian Tribumal, Amstedam
Israel Calmpdown
International gay Conference, Vienna
Cut off, San Francisco
Glitter, Glaomour Gossip
Pimnk Pig Tavern, Beethoven's, The Red Lion
Film: Taxi Zum KLO
Gay Train, photo montage
M/O's Mud wrestling
Gay Health, Hep B
Lesbian Couples Special issues
What Is AIDS
Poetry: G Peters, Karl David, L Hunter
Colin Longworth Collection.
Collected by COLIN LONGWORTH, 1983.

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