Colin Longworth has been volunteering with the organisation now known as Living Proud since 1981 and has changed with us through the years adapting to current issues, changes in attitudes and laws, and evolving community needs to provide support to the LGBTIQ+ community, our families and supporters.
Colin started volunteering with the Homosexual Counselling and Information Service in 1981, 8 years before the decriminalisation of homosexuality in WA. He completed an initial training course that ran over many weeks, which was overseen by psychologists Mark Anns and Dr Vivian Cass, then started to provide telephone support to members of WA's LGBTIQ+ community on a regular basis.
Colin's experiences of coming out in the late 1970s with no positive role models or factual information, at a time when homosexuality was still illegal and considered a mental illness, inspired him to offer his time to address the isolation of others. Colin took great risks to offer his support to the LGBTIQ+ community in WA, many of whom were reporting experiences of violent abuse, discrimination and ostracism.
In 1983 Colin participated in the first HIV/AIDS training with the service and continued to provide hard to come by factual information, empathy and support through the HIV epidemic of the 1980s and 90s. Colin's experiences volunteering with the service was a key driver to retrain as a psychologist, a profession he continues in today.
Colin was awarded Life Membership of the organisation in 2011, in recognition of his decades of volunteering there. Also, in 2024 he was one of three nominees for a “WA Lifetime Contribution to Volunteering” award, at Volunteering WA’s annual awards.
In mid-2023 Colin stepped away from the Peer Supporter role, moving into other volunteer roles in Events and on the committee planning 50th Anniversary celebrations for Living Proud. This has enabled him to take off the proverbial cloak of anonymity, that is normally expected of QLife Volunteers and staff, allowing him to share his volunteer experiences and receive public recognition for his contributions to the community.
Photo: Colin Longworth centre. with Qlife (Living Proud) staff and volunteers.
Information: Colin Longworth (06/2024)