WAGR Workshops with F 457
F class 457, Midland Workshops, in front of workshop, being worked on, view from rear looking forward
Photo type: black and white.
Other items by WAGR
- Horse and dray, Kalgoorlie Station
- Prospector train launch ceremony
- Bogie Cool Storage Van
- Track Tamping Machine
- WAGR DA class
- Perth Goods Shed
- "Peter's Ice Cream" on railway wagon
- Bogie Louvered Van
- Ganger's Quadricycle
- WAGR W class
- Electric Safety Fence, Swan View
- Derailment of Iron Ore train, 4 of 4
Other items from Rail Heritage WA
- WAGR Pr 532 'Brunswick'
- WAGR DD 592 at Claisebrook
- Concrete sleepered track, Avon Valley
- Suburban railcars at Leederville
- Goods train at Coolup
- WAGR Mr E A Evans
- WAGR Mr Frederick Mills
- WAGR Workshops Boiler Shop, Midland
- ADK railcar bogies
- WAGR Workshops Flanging Shop, Midland
- WAGR Workshops Paint Shop, Midland
- WAGR Workshops Machine Shop, Midland