Perth Station
1900Station buildings, platforms, footbridge, signal, yard, Perth Station, view from the east end looking west, N class 200 at right hand platform, side loading carriage with sun shades over the windows in the dock platform
Photo type: black and white.
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Nearest geotagged records:
- Perth Station (0km away)
- WAGR ADX and ADA class, Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station, dining room (0km away)
- Perth Station, interstate train advertisements (0km away)
- Parcel counter, Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
- Perth Station Goods Yard (0km away)
- Perth Station (0km away)
- WAGR XA class, Perth Station (0km away)
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- Millars locomotive "Samson"
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- WAGR X class being loaded onto a ship in Liverpool
- WAGR X class
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- WAGR G class