Pre1914, Ammunition Storage Chest, Fuzes for 6 inch Mk V Coast Defence Gun, 1893


Fuze storage box, provenanced to the Princess Royal Fortress with markings indicating association with 6 inch Mk V coast artillery guns.

Historical information

During the 19th century, tatn attack on the coaling facilities at Albany was deemed a potential threat to the state and the nation.[ All the Australian states contributed the funds to build the fortress, and the British Government provided the guns. The fortress was the first federal defense project in Australia, without the country yet having a federal government,[and opened in 1893.[ Two gun batteries were dug into the hillside of Mount Adelaide: Fort Princess Royal with two Mark V 6-inch BL guns, and Fort Plantagenet with one six inch gun.



Registration number
Contextual Information

This object is displayed in the Pre 1914 Gallery at the Australian Army Museum of Western Australia.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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The image shows a weathered, wooden crate with a rustic, aged appearance. The crate is roughly cubic in shape, with visible wear and tear on the surface. The wood has a reddish tint, possibly from old paint or natural aging. There is a circular metal latch or knob on the top of the crate, indicating it may have been used for storage or shipping. The crate's surface appears rough and worn, with some visible cracks and imperfections.
The image shows a technical drawing featuring different views and cross-sections of an artillery shell and its components. The upper left side illustrates a large shell casing with measurements, showing both external and internal details. Various cutaway views reveal internal structures, including an explosive charge and a detonator mechanism. On the right side, a detailed view of a cylindrical part is shown with its internal components labeled. Below this, different views of the shell's fuse mechanism are

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