Wateroo Railway Station
1977Station buildings, Watheroo, MR line, trackside view looking north
Photo type: black and white digital print.
Other items by J. Austin
- WAGR Vc class wagon
- Out of shed, Babakin
- Locomotive shed, Watheroo
- Swanbourne Railway Station platforms
- Out of shed, gangers shed, Ockley
- Millars locomotive No.71
- Wagon, Wedin
- Out of shed, Bokal
- Wagon with wool bales, Dumberning
- Swanbourne Railway Station
- Ballast hoppers, Boundain
- Out of shed, Welbungin
Other items from Rail Heritage WA
- Workman's van, Mingenew
- Workman's van, Watheroo
- Station shelter shed, Tenindewa
- Out of shed, Yealering
- Out of shed, Duranillin
- Nameboard, Cordering
- Grain loading tower, Ainsworth
- Out of shed, Bilbarin
- Out of shed, Bullaring
- Yilliminning Railway Yard
- Open wagon at Tincurrin
- Portable shelter shed, Toolibin