Subiaco Museum > Records



Black and white photograph of a drawing of Bishop Rosendo Salvado, a Spanish Benedictine monk who with Bishop Joseph Serra led a party of Benedictines on a mission to the Swan River colony in 1846. The Bishop wears a large pectoral cross over a plain dark habit. He is bearded and wears a small skull cap. He is seated in carved wooden armchair.

Historical information

Rosendo Salvado was a Spanish Benedictine monk who with Bishop Josep Serra led a missionary group to the Swan River Colony in 1846. Salvado founded the New Norcia monastery, and Serra, the new Subiaco monastery named after the town of Subiaco in Italy where St. Benedict founded their order. Rosendo Salvado was an accomplished pianist and in 1846 gave a piano recital in the court house, Perth, to raise money for the mission.



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History of colonial settlement Subiaco area. Religious history, history of Benedictine order.

Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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