Surrender of the Second Japanese Army address delivered by General Sir Thomas Blamey in Morotai
1945Dark wood framed document: off white paper and black print. The Australian Army badge appears at the document, followed by the address made by General Sir Thomas Blamey to Lt-General Teshima marking the signing of the surrender of the Second Japanese Army at Morotai, 9 September 1945.
The end of war with Japan was announced on 15 August 1945. The formal surrender of the Second Japanese Army took place on Morotai Island, the Headquarters of Australia’s forces in the Netherlands East Indies, on 9 September 1945. Before Australian and other Allied troops, the Australian Commander- in-Chief, General Sir Thomas Blamey, addressed the Japanese Commander of the Japanese Second Army, Lt. General Teshima, and Senior Naval Officer, Captain Omaya in front of Australian and other Allied troops, along with representatives of the RAAF, RAN, U.S. and NEI forces.
"SURRENDER OF JAPANESE FORCES / Address DELIVERED BY / COMMANDER – in – CHIEF, AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES / GENERAL SIR THOMAS BLAMEY / to / Lt-General Teshima, Commander Second Japanese Army / On the occasion of the signing of their surrender / MOROTAI, 9th SEPTEMBER, 1945 / LIEUT. GENERAL TESHIMS, COMMANDER SECOND JAPANESE ARMY: / “The Japanese Navy has been destroyed. The Japanese Merchant / Fleet has been reduced to a mere fraction. The Japanese Air Force has been / driven from the sky. The Japanese armies have been defeated everywhere / and all that remained for them was to await their inevitable total destruction. / Japanese cities lie in waste and Japanese industry has been destroyed. Never / before in history has so numerous a nation been so completely defeated. / “To escape the complete destruction of the nation, the Emperor of / Japan has yielded to the Allied Forces and an instrument of total surrender / has been signed in his name. he has charged you to obey the orders which / I shall give you. / “In carrying out these orders, the Japanese Army and Navy organisa- / tion will be retained for convenience. Instructions will be issued by the / designated Australian Commanders to the Commanders of the respective / Japanese Forces, placing upon you and your subordinate Commanders the / responsibility for carrying out your Emperor’s direction to obey all orders / given to you by me. / “You will ensure that all Allied Personnel, prisoner of war or / internees in Japanese hands are safeguarded and nourished and delivered / over to the Allied Commanders. / “You will collect, lay down and safeguard all arms, ammunition and / instruments of war until such time as they are taken over by the designated / Commanders. You will be given adequate time to carry this out. An official / date will be named and any Japanese found in possession after that date of / any arms. Ammunition or instrument of war of any kind will be dealt with / summarily by the Australian Commander on the spot. / “Orders will be given for these and other matters as I consider neces- / sary and you will ensure the obedience to all such orders without delay / “In receiving your surrender I do not recognise you as an honourable / and gallant foe, but you will be treated with due but severe courtesy in all / matters. / “I recall the treacherous attack on upon our ally, China, in 1938. I recall / the treacherous attack made on the British Empire and upon the United / States of America in December 1941, at a time when your authorities were / making the pretence of ensuring peace. / “I recall the atrocities inflicted upon the persons of our nationals as / prisoners of war and internees, designed to reduce them by punishment and starvation to slavery. / In the light of these evils, I will enforce most rigorously all orders / issued to you, so let there be no delay or hesitation in their fulfilment at / your peril.”
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