Chart Divider
A steel Chart Divider with the original leather storage pouch. The Chart Divider is made from a 2 pieces of flattened steel which have sharpened points at one end and a semicircle at the other end. The pieces are joined at a pivot point at the semi circle end which allow the arms to be moved apart or together. The resulting circular end with the pivot point is used as a handle. There is some rust evident on the pointers.
A Chart Divider is designed to be used with one hand when measuring the distance between two points on a chart and were common on ships in the 1600-1800's to measure the length of coastlines against a map's scale or latitude. Whilst modern versions are made of stainless steel earlier versions were made of everything from wood to German silver, before mass-manufacturing was possible.
The following is embossed on the leather pouch
Survey Dept
The embossing on the leather pouch indicate that this Chart Divider was used by R Sanders who worked at the Perth Survey Department.
Busselton Historical Society
Busselton Historical Society
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