Property of AW (Alan) Newbury, Moorine Rock, Western Australia, Australia - 001
1982Surveyor's Report on WISALTS Soil Conservation System created by A (Alan) Nicholson. Comments: — — — — depicts unsealed bank in yellow sand to control surface runoff. Sealed banks in conglomerate ranging from 1 to 3 feet from surface. Machinery gaps at each end of banks, grader made drains carry runoff from road into banks. 3 metre vertical fall between banks. This document is part of the WISALTS (Whittington Interceptor Sustainable Agriculture Land Treatment Society Incorporated) Collection.
Copyright and Reference
Copyright and Reference
Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Whittington Interceptor Sustainable Agriculture Land Treatment Society Incorporated (WISALTS) Collection, QB 15, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.
Murdoch University Library
Murdoch University Library

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