Property of AW (Alan) Newbury, Moorine Rock, Western Australia, Australia - 002
1989Surveyors Report on WISALTS Conservation System created by A (Alan) Nicholson. Comments: Upper part of paddock had contours bringing water from both sides of paddock and dropping it down the centre causing a gully up to 1.5 metres deep and 4 metres wide. Will try to fill in somehow. Soil type is gimlet salmon and tea tree that has gone very hard and seals over easily. This document is part of the WISALTS (Whittington Interceptor Sustainable Agriculture Land Treatment Society Incorporated) Collection.
Copyright and Reference
Copyright and Reference
Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Whittington Interceptor Sustainable Agriculture Land Treatment Society Incorporated (WISALTS) Collection, QB 15, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.
Murdoch University Library
Murdoch University Library

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