WAGR Pr class with the "Westland"
1939PR class 138 "Ashburton" (later PR class 521) heading the east bound "Westland", upper quadrant automatic signal, Blackboy Hill ER line, consist made up of ARS class 421, ARS class, AV class, AYL class, AZ class, AZ class, ZJ class. Same as P5260
Photo type: black and white.
Other items by WAGR
Other items from Rail Heritage WA
- WAGR V class with empty coal train
- Millars locomotive "Grafter"
- Public Works Department Q class locomotive "Nornalup"
- WAGR S class locomotive "Bruce"
- WAGR T class locomotive
- WAGR suburban passenger train
- WAGR ADG class railcar
- Adelaide Timber Co. Y class locomotive
- Adelaide Timber Co. Y class locomotive
- Adelaide Timber Co. Y class locomotive
- WAGR N class at Chidlow's Well
- WAGR G class locomotive