WAGR Steam breakdown crane
Steam breakdown crane No.23, U class 1730 match wagon, side view
Photo type: black and white.
Other items by E. Woodland
- Adelaide Timber Co. locomotive No.71
- WAGR Vintage train at Moorhead
- Railway Museum Bassendean, platform under construction
- Midland Loco Depot water tower
- Subiaco Station
- WAGR Vintage train at Balingup
- WAGR G and Fs class at Collie
- WAGR Msa class garratt
- Millars loco No.71 at Yarloop with Vintage Train
- Whim wheels, Adelaide Timber Co.
- Bunnings locomotive "Nevada"
- Midland Loco Depot Coal Stage
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Other items from Rail Heritage WA
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- WAGR V classes at Midland Loco Depot
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- Iron ore wagons at Bassendean
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- WAGR W class at Busselton Loco Depot
- Busselton Loco Depot
- WAGR W class at Busselton Loco Depot
- WAGR W class at Nannup