Mogumber Road, Gingin, Western Australia, Australia - 005


On top of the platform dug away by the dozer and loader, six metres below the top of the sand hill. Excavator working in a trench pushed out by the dozer in order to give the excavator sufficient reach to get to the bottom and take away the sides. The articulated front end loader is taking the sand from the excavator and putting it in the completed part where the pipes have been laid. This image is part of the WISALTS (Whittington Interceptor Sustainable Agriculture Land Treatment Society Incorporated) Collection.



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15 cm
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10 cm

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Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Whittington Interceptor Sustainable Agriculture Land Treatment Society Incorporated (WISALTS) Collection, QB 15, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.

Murdoch University Library

Murdoch University Library

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