Train at a signal, Brookton
1967P class 503, V class 1206 departing, V class 1216 waiting at a tall signal with a shunting dolly half way up the pole. Other signals, Brookton. GSR line.
Photo type: colour digital print.
Other items by P. Hopper
- Bunbury to Perth holiday train
- Goods train on bridge, Boyanup
- FS steam locomotive, Brunswick Junction
- Goods train, near Maylands
- WAGR W class locomotive
- G 123, Bunbury turntable
- Suburban railcars, Goodwood
- Shunting CSBP siding
- Steam locomotive at Leighton
- Pm 714 passing through Midland
- Locomotive, Bunbury roundhouse
- G 123, G 233 on Bunbury turntable
Other items from Rail Heritage WA
- P class and V class on goods train
- P class and V class on goods train
- Turntable, Narrogin
- W class and S class on goods train
- V class, Cuballing Bank
- V class, Cuballing Bank
- Goods wagons, Cuballing
- Goods wagons, Cuballing
- Guard awaiting steam locomotive
- V class ready to pick up wagons
- V class on goods train, Cuballing
- V class on goods train, Cuballing