Collections WA Takedown Policy


Takedown Notice


In making collections available online, Collections WA is committed to ensuring the rights of Contributors and Users are protected. Please refer to the Terms of Use for more information. Despite best efforts Collections WA acknowledges that on occasion content may be uploaded that infringes privacy laws, breaches copyright or is culturally sensitive. If this occurs, you can request a takedown notice, in writing only, by following these steps.

  • State the reason for your request: eg breaches copyright, culturally sensitive;

  • Provide the exact and full URL for the content in this format: http//;

  • Full description of the content: creator/author, title, publisher, object name, etc;

  • For copyright you must provide a statement and proof to verify that you are the copyright holder or authorised representative;

  • Your contact details: phone number, email, postal address.


Contact Details

Natalie Evans
Collections WA, Australian Museums and Galleries Association WA
Phone: +61 474 853 709
Postal Address: PO Box 224, Northbridge WA 6865


Responding to Takedown Request


On receiving a credible takedown notice Collections WA will do the following.

  • Acknowledge receipt of the takedown notice in writing;

  • Make an initial assessment of the credibility of the complaint;

  • Notify in writing the Collecting Organisation that uploaded the content that a takedown notice has been issued against them and under what grounds;

  • Temporarily remove the content within three working days until a final decision is agreed upon;

  • Remove any existing links that direct to the infringing content within three working days;

  • Remove cache from content that has been taken down from Collections WA within three working days.


Possible Outcomes


Collections WA will make all possible efforts to resolve takedown notices quickly and to the satisfaction of both parties, with the following possible outcomes.

  • Access to the content is restored unchanged on Collections WA;

  • Access to the content is restored with changes;

  • Access to the content is removed.


Termination of Repeat Offenders


Contributors who receive three written takedown notices will have their Collections WA Contributors Account terminated.



The information is from the ‘Australia’s Online Service Provider Safe Harbours - Guide for Libraries and Archives,’ by the Australian Library Copyright Committee, available online at, accessed on 6 November 2019.

Collections WA Takedown Policy Updated May 2020