City of Perth Cultural Collections
About organisation
The City of Perth is the local government representing the capital city of Western Australia. Our councillors and staff are committed to ensuring our local government area continues to be a thriving centre of business with vibrant cultural and entertainment precincts. The City plays an important advocacy role on behalf of our constituents to state and federal levels of government, statutory authorities and other key sector agencies.
The City of Perth's Cultural Collections are valuable and valued cultural assets that document and represent the evolution of the city’s social, cultural, civic and economic climate, physical form and artistic practices.
The City of Perth Art Collection was established in 1994. A unique Collection that reflects historic aspects of the development of Perth, as the capital city of Western Australia. This significant collection encompasses both historical and contemporary works of art and artefacts as well as historical and contemporary reference materials.

Collection overview
The Art Collection currently comprises items of both historic and contemporary items of fine art, craft and sculpture that reflect the creativity and uniqueness of Western Australian art and artists. The majority of artworks are on display throughout Council facilities.
The terminology of City of Perth Cultural Collections encompasses our many and varied collections.
• Art Collection Contemporary
• Art Collection Historic
• Memorabilia Collection
• Public Art Collection
The City of Perth Contemporary Art Collection comprises art in a range of media, and represents artists connected with and themes relevant to, the City of Perth. Generally dating from 1970 onwards, the Contemporary Art Collection can be defined as art which:
• is new work that engages with and reflects on current social, cultural and artistic dialogue;
• is made within a time reasonably contemporary to exhibition and purchase;
• manifests in a form that responds to the material sources and techniques of its time.
The City of Perth Historic Art Collection comprises art generally dating from the early Colonial period, and can be defined as art which originated from the following periods:
• Early Colonial: 1827 – 1850
• Late Colonial: 1851 – 1900
• Post-Federation / Pre-modern styles: 1901 – 1935
• Modernism: 1936 – 1970.
Contact information
Council House
27 St Georges Tce
Perth WA 6000
Visit information
Council House
27 St Georges Tce
Perth WA 6000