The Black Swan in military heraldry and tradition
The Colour is a Union flag with red and gold fringe incorporating in the centre a circle inscribed "Western Australia", surmounted by a crown. Within the circle is a black swan on gold background. Purchased by the Western Australian government, with the sanction of the Home Authorities, this was the first Queen's Colour to be presented to a Western Australian Army unit. The colour was manufactured at the Pimlico Army Clothing Depot, London. (A detailed description of this colour appeared in "The West Australian" of 29 May 1896
This colour was presented to 1st Infantry Regiment (Western Australia Volunteer Forces) by His Excellency the Governor, Lieutenant Colonel Sir Gerard Smith, KCMG at a Queen's Birthday parade held on the Recreation Ground, Bazaar Terrace, Perth (now where the Elizabeth Quay is situated), on 28 May 1896. It was consecrated by Senior Chaplain of the Forces, the Very Reverend Dean Goldsmith.
This colour was subsequently inherited by successor Militia units to the 1st Infantry Regiment, including 11th Australian Infantry Regiment (Perth Regiment), 88th (Perth) Infantry, 11th Battalion (The Perth Regiment) and 11th/16th Battalion. The colour was handed over to the Perth City Council at a special parade of the 11th/16th Battalion held in Forrest Place on 7 June 1930 and was laid up in the Council Chambers in Murray Street.
Together with the other historic colours handed over at the time, this colour later went into storage when Council moved premises in the early 1960's. Perth City Council had some restoration work carried out on these colours in 1975 and later had them on display in their display room at Council House, St Georges Terrace. They were subsequently placed in storage again. Following negotiations by the Army Museum of WA Perth City Council passed on these Colours to the Museum in November 1993.
Discover the Tradition of Regimental Colours in the Australian Army…
Queen’s Birthday Parade and Colours Presentation reported in detail.…
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