Christine Gosfield (1950-) is an established Fremantle-based artist who made this photographic work, Defining home ... following the terrorist attacks in New York on September 11, 2001.
This large composite work of 350 portrait photographs were taken over a forty-eight hour period and captures with a single snapshot, her immediate family, friends and acquaintances she met through each day, without seeking them out. Geographically, she focused on her home town and neighbourhood; Fremantle and in particular the South Beach Café, the Round House and the Fremantle Traffic Bridge.
The resulting work creates a vehicle for contemplation, where the audience becomes aware of an expanding number of social connections between people who never knew they shared a common relationship. The associations are multiplied to frame an expanding momentary community, linking to one or more of the images and building upon common memories, family & friends and familiarity of place.
Now approaching the twenty year anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York, it is from the perspective that this artwork provides, that people can be reminded of the interconnected relationships that make up a community.
Christine supports the interactive component of the work in encouraging audiences to respond to the images and leave messages and comments for other community members, or these days, via social media.