This collections details all the one teacher schools of the Shire of Cranbrook from their establishment till their closing in 1947 when the Education Department employed a bus contractor Mr S.T. Rodgers. His driver was Jack Crosby and children traveled in a 30-cwt table top truck with canvas canopy and bench seats running down either side from front to back.
The central schools became Frankland River and Cranbrook when the following one teacher schools closed;
Cranbrook 1896
Frankland 1899
Tenterden 1904 - 1961
Mortigallup 1912 - 1948
Tunney-Yonka 1916 - 1920
Washpool 1919 -1920 moved to Balmoral 1921 - 1927
Gordon River 1922 - 1942
Aurora 1928 - 1942
Yaraleena 1930 - 1941 moved to Woolonga 1943 - 1947
Haynesdale 1921
Tingerup 1912 - 1924