Robert Vallis, (resident in South Street Fremantle),was weaver, the former Director of Bunbury Art Galleries and ECU Collection Curator, became a part-time Art Curator of the MLTC Collection, until the position became full-time. He proved to be an imaginative and innovative curator, who set a pattern for the activities of the Collection to the present day. One of his first tasks was to see Art as a Social Document to its end. and used to refer to himself as ‘Curator of Corridors’.
In his own words: “The Art collection has survived and prospered, being now recognised as a useful tool in the marketing and development and educational requirements associated with the University. Without the gallery walls how does an art collection earn its keep? What initiatives can bed down to strong foundations associated with adding more art works? Where do we get the bright lights and spin of tangible reflections which guarantee a legitimate place for the art collection in the scheme of
After noting the initial surge of interest in providing a gallery, Vallis formed the considered opinion that the Collection should be permanently present in the community. He gave little or no consideration to the need for a permanent gallery on campus.
The Art Gallery of WA purchased one of his works in 1980 "Double Floor Cushion; 1980; 1981/00Z5-T"
Robert's nephew, was requested to donate Robert's book collection to WestPride Archives (frm.GALAWA)