At the first conference held by the Provisional Committee held in Queens Hall in March 1925 when the CWA of WA was officially formed, one of the first objectives was to purchase land for rest rooms. A meeting place was identified as a priority which would provide a much needed meeting place and facilities for women and children to rest while traveling. Donnybrook and York divided the honours of inaugurating the first CWA Rest Room - both were opened at exactly the same time. The Metropolitan Rest room was opened next, by Lady Forrest at 11 Padbury Buildings in October 1925. This rest room was used as Association headquarters, for the time being. Donnybrook was the first Branch to buy its own property and rest room in 1928. Baandee the first Branch to build its own rest room also in 1928. Beverley, Toodyay, Merredin and Ravensthorpe opened rest rooms as early as 1929 (these not their own property) and by 1934, seventeen branches ie Donnybrook, Baandee, Bunbury, Collie, Ballidu, Harvey, Carnamah, Three Springs, Waroona, Manjimup, Katanning. Bruce Rock, Koorda, Doodlakine, Kondinin, Kellerberrin and Morawa owned their own rest rooms and property while land was held by 33 branches for building and 10 branches had rest rooms rented or lent until funds permitted building.