CWA State Conference

About This Collection

The first conference of CWA of WA was held at Queen’s Hall on 10th March 1925, from 2pm to 11pm. Present were members of the Provisional Committee, delegates and members from the four branches already established in Nungarin, Bolgart, Metropolitan and Benjaberring, as well as a number of women from other country centres, totalling about 60.
At the first Conference the framework of the new association as an incorporated body was laid down. The basic values inherent in the aims and objectives, the motto, constitution, the badge and colours (white for purity in the home and blue for loyalty to the throne) have stood the test of time. The agenda included motions on subject which continue to claim attention to the present day.
Reports from the four founding branches showed they had already set the pattern for CWA of service to the community that has been followed to the present day.
The second Annual Conference was held on the 12th and 13th of May 1926, twelve of the fifteen branches being represented. Membership was 640.
As the years went on and branch numbers increased, the representation of members from all over the State grew. In addition to tending to the official business of the organisation there was opportunity for members to discuss issues affecting women and families in regional and remote communities, participate in coordinated activities and socialise with friends made throughout the state, usually only seen once a year at this most important event on the CWA calendar.
This collection includes photos and memorabilia from Annual Conferences.

State Conference banner