During World War II, 600 men of the 10th Light Horsemade their home in the bushland of Wanneroo. Strategically located between the ocean and Pearce Air Base, the proud men of the 10th and their mounts
played an important role in protecting the shores of Western Australia from the threat of Japanese sea attack.
The regiment first camped in Wanneroo on the east side of Wanneroo Road and south of Ashley Road, but later moved to the site of today’s commemorative trail. Little evidence remains of the first camp. The second bears the distinctive horse lines and camp group foundations and also has the distinction of being the final camp for Australia’s last wartime mounted regiment.
On 14th April 1944, the men of the 10th handed in their saddles and gear, said farewell to their horses and prepared to ship out to other units and into battle against Japanese forces.