An early example of the game
Ros Malone, School Archivist
The first Volume of the Bunbury Girls' Grammar School Quarterly was published in 1912, as the first of only a few publications by the School. An early Anglican Boarding School in the South West of Australia, the Bunbury Girls' Grammar School closed down a short time after the First World War. The Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Archives responded to a request from Netball WA in 2023, to provide the following history captured on Page 5 of the Quarterly:
On Tuesdays and Fridays the Boarders go for a bathe. Wednesday afternoon the day-girls and Boarders play games (cricket, tennis, rounders, and net-ball). Monday afternoon is extra drawing and Thursday is dancing.

Volume 1 of the The Bunbury Girls' Grammar School Quarterly, 1912.