Rear Verandah, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont


The back verandah with two windows open and a washing line strung under the roof with napkins and other washing pegged on it. Under the window is a small child's tricycle and a toy table and two chairs.

Historical information

Freshwater Bay Mixed School, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont was built in 1862. In the 1880s became a boarding house for single men known as the 'Appy 'Ome. In 1883 the property was bought by the Police Department to serve as the quarters for the second constable in charge of Freshwater Bay. In 1975 opened as the Claremont Museum.



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Claremont Museum

Claremont Museum

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Rear Verandah
66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 08.38

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