Post 1945, Western Australia, Space Communications, Western Australian Space Centre, Dongara
The Western Australia Space Center (WASC) is operated and maintained by SSC’s Australia-based company SSC Space Australia Pty Ltd. The station is remotely controlled from the SSC Network Management Centers in Kiruna, Sweden and Horsham, PA USA. The Western Australia Space Center, also called the “Pete Thomas” Facility, is located in Western Australia, 250 meters above sea level
The station design is built to support multiple missions simultaneously with a high level of redundancy. The entire station, including the antenna system, is fully supported by a UPS power supply system that allows uninterrupted transfer between commercial electrical power and the backup generator. This design prevents the ground station from power outages during critical supports and normal operations. The ground station includes a data center which houses system electronics, data processing and frequency conversion equipment.
The site has four full-motion antennas installed with capabilities to support satellites, launchers and lunar missions with Telemetry Tracking & Command (TT&C) and Data Reception services. The antenna systems support satellites, launchers and lunar missions in the frequency range of S, X and Ku-Band.
"Comms Chat" is a changing, low tech, analogue, non AI generated, printed ink exhibit adjacent to and supporting the Communications Gallery at the Australian Army Museum of Western Australia. It contains personal stories, technology insights and anything remotely connected to the theme of Communication. This sub collection contains elements which have previously appeared within Comms Chat.
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
Other items from Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
- Post 1945, Western Australia, Space Communications, Australian Satelite Comminications Station, Kojarena
- Technologies, Communications and Codes, International Morse Code
- Pre 1914, Western Australia, East-West Telegraph Line, Eucla Telegraph Station
- Mannequin Display, Post 1945, Iraq War (2nd Gulf War), 2003 to 2013
- Mannequin Display, Post 1945, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Afghanistan War (War on Terror), 2002 to 2020
- Mannequin Display, Post 1945, Peacekeeping, Timor l'este / East Timor, 1999 - 2013
- Post 1945, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Radio Distribution, 2003 - 2020
- Post 1945, Iraq, Gulf War. Personality Identification Playing Cards, 2003
- World War 2, Owen Gun, 1943
- Post 1945, Poloroid Colorpak 80 Camera
- Inter War, Party Line Wall Phone 1930s