Medical Evacuation Chain - World War 1 - Barge Transports


Casualties were also transported by barge utilising the river and canal infrastructure in France. The hospital barges were much slower, but did make for a smoother and gentler journey. The longer journey allowed the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service nurses time to tend to the injuries of the wounded soldiers and perform daily dressings and for the troops to recuperate from their wounds and the effects of war. The barges were painted grey with a large red cross on each side to signify that they were non combatant and carrying wounded soldiers. The interior was painted white. Ventilation was provided by ventilators in the side of the roofs and as the war progressed sky lights were built into the barges. The sailing skipper of each hospital barge was usually a Royal Engineer sergeant and the barges would be towed by steam tugs.



Registration number
Inscriptions and markings

During World War I, the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) suffered 58,339 deaths and 151,948 wounded. To help deal with so many injured and sick soldiers, the Australian Army Medical Corps was expanded. Australian soldiers served. They also worked in Australian hospitals for returned soldiers. Separate entries cover the Regimental Aid Post, the Field Ambulance, Casualty Clearing Stations, Base Hospitals (General, Stationary and Auxiliary), Command Depots and Convalescent Depots, Ambulance Trains, Ambulance Barges, and Hospital Ships.

Contextual Information

The medical evacuation chain and medical services are presented in a separate section of the World War 1 Galleries. Artefacts relating to medical services, the treatment of wounds, casualty recovery are also found throughout the Galleries. Individual stories of doctors, nurses, stretcher bearers are also found throughout the Museum. The Prisoner of War Gallery highlights the degree of medical improvisation and professional skills that saved many lives on the Thai Burma Railroad.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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Wounded being loaded onto hospital transport barges.
Wounded being loaded onto hospital transport barges.
Hospital Barge
Nurses on deck of a hospital barge

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