From the Collection #34 Kokoda Diorama


Part of the "From the Collection" series prepared and distributed to a subscribers' list during 2022 as a follow on to the "Virtual Visit" series initiated during the COVID lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 The collection focus of this item is the Kokoda Diorama in the World War 2 Gallery at the Australian Army Museum of Western Australia.

Historical information

Notwithstanding Gallipoli, current opinion supports the idea that World War 2 was the conflict that most shaped Australia during the 20th century, involving as it did a shift of alliances. The Australian War Memorial is up front with its commemoration as related by Dr Karl James, Head of Military History:

“Kokoda has become one of Australia’s best-known wartime campaigns. It has come to represent qualities such as courage, sacrifice and mateship. Remembering Kokoda reminds us of what it means to be an Australian. … The significance and understanding
of Australia’s involvement in the Second World War evolves because of how we remember. It is crucial for Australia to remember and share this knowledge.”



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Contextual Information

Typically only a small portion of a museum collection is exhibited at any one time. This is due not only to practical consideration of display space, but a range of professional considerations designed to protect and preserve the artefact. This series highlights objects and stories you may have overlooked in the galleries or collection items awaiting the opportunity to be viewed and share their story.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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