Inter War, Western Australia. Rottnest Island, Anzac Day Parade, 1935
Group of veterans for Anzac Day in front of Salt Store. Boer War and World War One medal groups. Military Cross second from right.
The first recorded organised Anzac Service on Rottnest was reported as taking place in
1931. Under command of Captain Leslie Riches, MC, fifteen Returned Servicemen
marched from the Board of Control office (Salt Store) to the schoolhouse (Cottage 436}
where it was recorded that the entire population of the Island was present for the service
except for two duty personnel, one at the lighthouse and one at the signal station.
Service and bravery were evident on the march through three Military Crosses, and one
Distinguished Conduct Medal and one veteran of three campaigns, Mr E Hoyle, whose
decorations included the Indian Frontier medal with four clasps, the Queen's medal
(Boer War) with six clasps, the Kings Medal with two clasps, and others awarded for
service in the Great War. The service was conducted by Mr Arnold Hamer, who served
at Gallipoli. Mr Roland Smith sounded “The Last Post” and in the evening Mr J Balfour
Stark, DCM, officer in charge of the Island chaired a reunion of ex-service men
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
Other items from Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
- Western Australia,. Rottnest Island, Kingstown Barracks, Location signage, 2015
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Searchlight location.
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Unidentified.
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Searchlight location.
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Kingstown. Searchlight
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Kingstown. Searchlight engine room
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Kingstown. Interior of earchlight engine room
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Kingstown Barracks. Petrol, Oil and Lubricants store.
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Kingstown. Interior of earchlight engine room
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Kingstown. Searchlight, 1960
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Searchlight or obbservation post location.
- Western Australia. Rottnest Island. Unidentified.