Subiaco Museum > Records


c. 1933

The black and white image shows the members of the Subiaco Cricket Club (W.A.M.A.) who were Champions for the Season 1932-33. Both players and officials are shown. There is a shield between two players in the front row and a trophy placed in front of the middle player. The players are wearing white shirts and trousers and the officials wear black suits and ties. Standing: L. Evans (Vice-President), E. Strauss, D. Cronin, A. Fisher, E. Penberthy, H. Peers, D. Jardine (scorer) Sitting middle row: H. Fisher (Patron), A. Cook (Secretary), J. Hayes (Captain), A.C. Higgs, President Bottom line cut off. Information on members is shown in 'History'. Mr A.C. Higgs: Club President Mr J. Hayes: Captain There are two insets at the top of the photograph on the left and right hand side: Left: Mr Chris Luth (Deceased 1933) - Bookkeeper 1902, then Town Clerk approx. 1913. Right: Mr Arthur Jacobs (Deceased) - Accountant 1930. Succeeded Mr Luth as Town Clerk in 1933. Unfortunately passed away approx. 4 years later.

Historical information

Mr A.C. Higgs: Club President
Mr J. Hayes: Captain
There are two insets at the top of the photograph on the left and right hand side:
Left: Mr Chris Luth (Deceased 1933) - Bookkeeper 1902, then Town Clerk approx. 1913.
Right: Mr Arthur Jacobs (Deceased) - Accountant 1930. Succeeded Mr Luth as Town Clerk in 1933. Unfortunately passed away approx. 4 years later.
Mr Les Evans (Deceased) - Club Supporter. Never missed a game.
Eric Strauss - Engineering-Blacksmith for many years in Barker Road. Now the parking area. Father of Ray and Eric Strauss who were prominent cricketers and hockey players.
Mick Cronin (Deceased) - well known personality. Great member in football and cricket circles. Also TV.
Alf Fisher - fast bowler. Went to Sydney - prominent position with Caltex.
Ern Penberthy - all rounder - brother of the Subiaco footballers Stan and John.
Eventually became day printer for the West Australian Newspaper - now retired.
Harry Heers (Deceased) - promising cricketer. Played football with Subiaco. His family lived in Bagot Road for many years.
D. Jardine (Deceased) - Club member - scorer for many years.
Harry Fisher (Deceased) - Father of Alf. In charge of Whittaker Bros Horse Transport some 50 years.
Algie Cook (Deceased) - Fast bowler - originally teller at Commercial Bank, Subiaco. His father had the grocer shop on the cr of Rokeby and Heytsbury Roads for many years.
Jack Hayes - joined Subiaco Council staff in 1925 and was fortunate to have been associated with Messrs Luth, Jacobs and Higgs, who former a strong nucleus of our Club.
Arthur Higgs (Deceased) - President. Well known for his many works in Subiaco as Chief Health Inspector and Building Surveyor from 1925. Great stalwart and organiser for our club.
Con Callagan - came from Boulder some 50 years ago. Cricketer and footballer, also professional runner. Ran at Stawell.
Tich Downing - Cricketer - Footballer - Golf. Played cricket with Subiaco and West Perth.
Chas Rubery (deceased) - joined the club as a supporter. Our members cricket and football used to frequent his pie shop on the site which is now the Commonwealth Bank.
Lou Jones - wicket keeper - related to the original Jones family of Roberts Road, Subiaco. Councillor for some years on the Subiaco Council.
Jock Green (deceased) - left arm freak bowler - captures many wickets. Lived in Hay Street, Subiaco for many years. Worked in the W.A.G.R.
Pinky Hayes - a solid player and great club worker.



Registration number
Item type
175 mm
Height or length
127 mm
Statement of significance

Historical and social

Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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