Waiting for the Olympic torch. Foreground: Ashleigh Hemsworth. Right: Daren Reid.
Waiting for the Olympic torch. Foreground: Ashleigh Hemsworth. Right: Daren Reid.
Nannup Historical Society and Museum
Nannup Historical Society and Museum
Other items from Nannup Historical Society and Museum
- Float parade 1988. Michael & Denise Lindsay with the Girl Guides.
- Float parade 1988. Golf club float
- Float parade easter 1988. Parade led by Caroline Brown & Peter Hemsworth.
- Float parade easter 1988. Fire engine.
- Float parade easter 1988. Nannup Rangers.
- Float parade easter 1988. Very old Mack truck
- First Masonic Lodge Group in New Building 1946
- Float parade easter 1988. Ford Zephyr 6 Mark III. Busselton Veteran Car Club.
- Harold "Big Kid" Chalwell. 1990
- Playground Nannup 1990
- 'The Flying Fox' Fred Green, Michael Cassanet, Peter Hemsworth, Steve Hewett, Harold Chalwell, 1990
- 'Thirsty' Peter Hemsworth, 1990