Uniform Accoutrements - Aiguillettes


An "aiguillette" is an ornamental braided cord with decorative metal tips worn on Australian military uniforms to denote specific appointments or duties. Royal aiguillettes are of plain gold, naval aiguillettes are of blue and gold, army aiguillettes are of red and gold, air force aiguillettes of light blue and gold. The Governor-General of Australia, as the Commander in Chief of the Australian Defence Force, is entitled to wear a uniform on which an aiguillette made of platinum is worn.

Historical information

Several traditions account for the origin of the aiguillette. The most probable explanation is that they were the pins used to secure a pauldron, or shoulder protector, on the cuirass (a piece of armour) of a knight or cuirassier’s plate armour. In Australia, aiguillettes distinguish special and senior appointments including: officers of General rank; Chief of Army; Deputy Chief of Army; members of the Chief of Army’s Senior Advisory Committee; military attachés and aides-de-camp. Most senior officers wear the aiguillette on the right shoulder, while military attaché and aide-de-camp wear the aiguillette on the left.



Registration number
Inscriptions and markings

Aiguillettes should not be confused with lanyards, which are cords also worn from the shoulder (or around the neck), but do not have the pointed aiguillette tips and are usually of fibre rather than gold or silver wire.

Contextual Information

Examples of aiguilettes are on display in the Australian Army Museum of WA in the Traditions Gallery, both on mannequins and as artefacts.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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Aiguillettes positioned for wear on right shoulder
Army aiguillettes positioned as worn on right shoulder.
General officer wearing appointment aiguillettes
Australian general officer wearing appointment aiguillettes (and also peaked forage cap, mameluke sword and gold waist sash - see separate entires)

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