World War 1 , Europe, HMAT A43 Barunga, 1918


View of ship "Barunga" torpedoed and sunk 15 July 1918

Historical information

In 1914 the SS Sumatra was seized in Sydney from its German owners (the Deutsche-Australische Line), and manned by Australian Officers and crew. She completed three trips carrying troops from Australia, and one in October 1917 carrying cargo only.



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Contextual Information

The SS Barunga, was hit by a torpedo from a German submarine and sank 150 miles south west of the Scilly Isles. Barunga was on its way to Australia with 800 sick and wounded on board and was torpedoed at 4.30 pm on 15 July 1918. Destroyers which had been some miles away were quickly on the scene to pick up survivors and returned them to Plymouth. All hands were saved before Barunga subsequently sank. SS Barunga was formerly the German-Australian liner Sumatra of Hamburg, captured at Sydney, NSW, at the outbreak of war. She was requisitioned by the Australian Government and during the period 1915-1918 was used to transport troops and or produce in various areas.

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