Eastern Wheatbelt Wildlife Photocopy of pages from an untitled book by Bruce W Leake describing wildlife encountered by exploring parties in 1850's
1850Eastern Wheatbelt Wildlife Photocopy of pages from an untitled book by Bruce W Leake describing wildlife encountered by exploring parties in 1850's
Kellerberrin Historical Society
Kellerberrin Historical Society
Other items from Kellerberrin Historical Society
- Black and White photograph Kellerberrin 1924/1925 Shops rebuilt aftr Puddey's fire
- Black and White photograph Union Flour Mill 1925
- Black and White photograph Union Flour Mill 1926 Well stocked bagged wheat
- Black and White photograph Kellerberrin 1927 beginning of first oil depot. Notes on back of photo - "Kellerberrin 1927 beginning of first oil depot - Vacuum Oil co. All petrol previousl carried from Perth by Jimmy Walker
- Black and White photograph Kellerberrin 1926 Fiat 6 Imported for G A McWhirter
- Black and White photograph Kellerberrin Motor Cycle Club Road Competition 1926
- Black and White photograph Kellerberrin 1926 Eastern Districts Club
- Black and White photograph Kellerberrin 1927 West End Residence
- Black and White photograph Kellerberrin Farmers Co-op 1926
- Black and white photograph T W Donaldson - Drapery & Millinery, Boots, Shoes - Clothing and Mercery Furniture and Furnishings TJ V Tolerton - Newsagency Kellerberrin 1924
- Black and White photograph Rocks General Store - Grocery & Hardware C A Rock Draper - Drapery Boots and Shoes Massingham Street Kellerberrin 1926
- Black and White photograph Kellerberrin Masonic Temple 1926

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