Property of IH Morrell and Company, Meckering, Western Australia, Australia - 001
1986Surveyors Report on WISALTS Conservation System created by KL (Ken) Olden. Comments: (1) Red line turn bank backwards to take water away from trees. (2) Throughflow to cut off, therefore reduce static water. (3) Cut all throughflows off in top bank with plastic to reduce load onto next banks. (4) Static water pressure is coming up into farm from Mortlock River. (5) Mortlock River to be plastic sheeted from centre up to high country to prevent static build up. This document is part of the WISALTS (Whittington Interceptor Sustainable Agriculture Land Treatment Society Incorporated) Collection.
Copyright and Reference
Copyright and Reference
Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Whittington Interceptor Sustainable Agriculture Land Treatment Society Incorporated (WISALTS) Collection, QB 15, Special Collections, Geoffrey Bolton Library, Murdoch, Western Australia.
Murdoch University Library
Murdoch University Library

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