BSHS 60th Anniversary Museum
1983Six photographs of Room 8 set up as a museum during the Bunbury Senior High School's 60th Anniversary celebrations.
The 60th Anniversary of Bunbury Senior High School at the Haig Crescent site was held in October 1983.
11.30-12.30 Anniversary Luncheon in hall
12.45-13.50 Opening Ceremony
- Music by Bunbury City Band
- Welcome by Tom Cornwall (Acting /Principal)
- Presentation to School by Farran Dixon (P. & C. Representative)
- Reply & Presentation to City of Bunbury by Bruce Nivison (School Captain 1983)
- Reply & Address by John Sibson (Bunbury City Councillor)
- Toast to School - Ted Marshall (Student 1925-29 Prefect 1929)
- Cutting of Birthday Cake by Michelle Fotakis (Senior Girl 1983) & Elizabeth Burgess (Staff 1923-1955)
- Flag Raising by the school's Naval Cadets
- Advance Australia Fair by Bunbury City Band
14.00-14.45 "Tales Out of School" (Library)
14.15-14.50 "School Was Never Like This" (Room 18)
15.30-15.45 "A Modern Day Social Studies Lesson" by Mr V. Knott and Students
15.00-15.20 Jazz Ballet Concert (Amphitheatre) Helen Goff and her Year 9 students
15.20-14.40 "Dancing Through The Years" by BSHS students (undercover area)
15.45-15.15 "A Mixed Bag" (Hall)
Ground Floor Displays
- Library (Book Sales, Art Exhibition)
- Room 3 (English Collection)
- Room 4 (Clothing and Fabric, School "Shop")
- Room 6 (Business Education Equipment)
- Room 7 (Art & Pottery Presentation)
- Room 8 (Museum)
Upstairs Displays
- Room 18 (Social Studies)
- Room 20 (Geography)
- Rooms 25 & 26 (Computing & Mathematics)
- Room 30 (Science)
Copyright and Reference
Copyright and Reference
Acknowledgements to be made to 'Bunbury Senior High School 550.14:19'.
Bunbury Senior High School
Bunbury Senior High School
Other items from Bunbury Senior High School
- BSHS Cutting The 60th Anniversary Birthday Cake
- BSHS 60th Anniversary Celebrations Opening Ceremony Crowd
- BSHS 60th Anniversary - Tom Cornwall Address
- BSHS Navy Cadets At The 60th Anniversary Opening Address
- BSHS 60th Anniversary Flag Raising Ceremony
- BSHS 60th Anniversary "School Shop" And Clothing Display
- BSHS 60th Anniversary Business Education Equipment Exhibition
- BSHS 60th Anniversary Attendee
- BSHS 60th Anniversary "Tales Out Of School"
- BSHS 60th Anniversary Book Sales And Art Exhibition
- BSHS 60th Anniversary English Collection
- BSHS 60th Anniversary Geography & Social Studies Exhibition
60th Anniversary Celebrations
Source: Bunbury Senior High School 550.14
60th Anniversary Celebrations
Source: Bunbury Senior High School 550.15
60th Anniversary Celebrations
Source: Bunbury Senior High School 550.16
60th Anniversary Celebrations
Source: Bunbury Senior High School 550.17
60th Anniversary Celebrations
Source: Bunbury Senior High School 550.18
60th Anniversary Celebrations
Source: Bunbury Senior High School 550.19
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