Criminal Code Amendement Bill, 1987


Paper and ink, photocopy. Second reading speech of the Bill by Robert Heatherington MLC. 18 pages

Historical information

The Bill proposed that the Criminal Code be amended to remove the sections that make homosexual activities beween consenting adults illegal.
This is the fourth time such a Bill was introduced to the Western Australian legislature, the first being in 1973. The second bill was intriduced in 1977, but was defeated in the lower house.
A third bill was introdeced in 1984, but ws defeated in the upper house. The member reintroduced this Bill as moral obligation because of the AIDS epidemic.
Because homosexual acts were ilegal in Western Australia there was a great reluctance for men to be tested, even though confidentiality was asssured.
David Myers Collection. Folio 2



Registration number
Item type
210 mm
Height or length
295 mm
2 mm
Contextual Information

QAPE0054: Donor, Date:2021 GERRY COLE
QAPE0010: Collected by, Date:1980s DAVID WILFRED MYERS DoB: 1928
David was president and a longtime member of CAMP. His partner of 40 years was John Logan.
Donor of documents related to his evidence to the WA Royal Commission into Homosexuality and Campaign Against Moral Persecution Inc

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