Kings and Regimental Colours - Regimental Pike Display


Display of pike staffs associated with King's and Regimental Colours conserved at the Australian Army Museum of Western Australia. Current King's and Regimental Colours, Guidons and Banners are carried on pikes surmounted with a representation of the Tudor or Imperial Crown as a filial. The staffs ate 8.5 feet long and the Colours measure 3.5 feet by 3 feet.

Historical information

From the early ages, colours have been consecrated which gives them an aspect of sacredness. This cannot be ignored when consideration is given to their disposal. After service, colours are laid up in sacred or public buildings in order to maintain an atmosphere of veneration. Their preservation is ensured with due regard to their symbolic significance and historic association. Colours are not disposed of or destroyed when their appearance has deteriorated. They are left to turn to dust as do the bodies of the fallen soldiers who served them.
In the past, the custom was for guidons or colours to be laid up in a place selected by the Commanding Officer, or by the last Commanding Officer or Unit Association where a unit is no longer on the 'Order of Battle'. In 2011 this was changed so that Chief of Army had final approval on the requested location.



Registration number
Contextual Information

The Colours at the Australian Army Museum of Western Australia are laid up in a manner desgined to perpetuate their display and conservation. Colours are individually cased, laid flat to reduce strain and rotated frquently to minimise light exposure.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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