Subiaco Museum > Records



Digital coloured photograph of the interior of Bosich factory just prior to the demolition. Image shows an empty warehouse with a pitched roof. There are sections of the roof with light coming through the laser light.

Historical information

From project officer Natasha Annan

From 1963 to 2013 the site the Subiaco Bosich was used as a manufacturing complex for mining and transport equipment comprising of a factory, administration building and open areas. In August 2013 the building was going to be demolished. The city’s Public Art Officer and myself thought it was such a cool space with so much history it would be a good chance to recruit some local young artists to interpret the site. The project outcomes will include a temporary mural, a short film and a photographic series. The project will be captured on film and the mural will remain on the building until demolition begins. The short film and photographs will be incorporated in future city exhibitions, including scope to transpose images onto the mesh fencing surrounding the construction site.

For three days from 25 August to Tuesday 27 August the artists (graphic artist, photographer and videographer) were at site. Supervised and inducted by Natasha Annan, Youth project officer.

On Wednesday 28 August the building was officially handed over from the City of Subiaco to Rowe Group and demolition was scheduled for September 2013.

On 25 November 2013 Jenny Kerr, Public Art Officer, and Natasha Annan, Youth Project Officer, attended the site as they were advised that the final piece of artwork was being demolished.

A rubbish pile has formed in the middle of the old site. Jenny and Tash spotted a few interesting items, including the yellow caps marked ‘Bosich’. The site manager and project manager said they were able to salvage anything they wanted from the pile, otherwise it was off to the tip. Note: we were wearing hard hats and on-site safety gear!

The Bosich caps were likely to have been used on the heavy engineering machinery produced by Bosich. At the time to museum curator was informed of the items and the pile at Bosich but did not want them in the collection. One of the caps has since been donated to the Museum by Jenny Kerr.



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Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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