Poster, World War 2, Recruiting and Morale Boosting, 3 Aust Corps, 1942


Framed morale boosting poster produced by 3 Australian Corps promoting aggressive action. Depicts an Assie digger in kunae grass engaging two Japanese soldiers with his Bren gun

Historical information

Part of a series of recruiting and morale boosting posters produced under the auspices of 3 Australian Corps. Most posters contain extreme examples of racial stereotyping and adverse depictions of Japanese soldiers.



Registration number
Inscriptions and markings

"Get in First With Your Burst"
Private AJ Evans not yet definitively identified.

Contextual Information

This series of posters is displayed in the Home Front section of the World War 2 Gallery. Commonwealth authorised Australian Imperial Force recruiting posters may be found in the World War 2 introductory Gallery

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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