From the Collection #3 - Padgett Medal Group


Part of the "From the Collection" series prepared and distributed to a subscribers' list during 2022 as a follow on to the "Virtual Visit" series initiated during the COVID lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 The collection focus of this item is the World War 1 medal group of 546 Sergeant John Rush Padgett, one of only a handful World War 1 Diggers to receive this United States award.

Historical information

Private Padgett enlisted in 44 Battalion AIF in January 1916 and embarked from Fremantle in July. He arrived in France on 25 November 1916. Promoted to Lance Corporal in September 1916, he was wounded a year later and did not return to France until January 1918 and re-joined 44 Battalion. He was promoted Corporal in July 1918. During an attack on the Hindenburg Line on 2 9 September, with his section he seized and held a section of German trench. Later in the action he carried a wounded American serviceman to safety across open ground subject to heavy machine gun fire. It was for this act of bravery that he was awarded the United States Distinguished Service Cross. Padgett’s is among the first Distinguished Service Crosses awarded and one of only a handful to Australian servicemen in World War 1



Registration number
Contextual Information

Typically only a small portion of a museum collection is exhibited at any one time. This is due not only to practical consideration of display space but a range of professional considerations designed to protect and preserve the artefact. This series highlights objects and stories you may have overlooked in the galleries or collection items awaiting the opportunity to be viewed and share their story.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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Padgett Medal Group including US Distinguished Service cross
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